
I hold bachelor’s degrees from Brigham Young University and the Institute of American Indian Arts, and an MFA in Creative Writing from Cornell University.


I also have a PhD in Creative Writing from Florida State University.


My work has appeared or is forthcoming in POETRY; EPOCH; Kenyon Review Online; Prairie Schooner; When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry; Leavings, and other publications. My first book is Rain Scald (University of New Mexico Press, 2018), and my second book is (At) Wrist (University of Wisconsin Press, 2023).

Tacey Atsitty

Assistant Professor of English

 Email:  Office: Room 103, World Affairs Center

Dr. Tacey M. Atsitty de Gonzales, Diné (Navajo), is Tsénahabiłnii (Sleep Rock People) and born for Ta’neeszahnii (Tangle People).


I have been honored with the Wisconsin Brittingham Prize for Poetry and other prizes. I am a member of Advisory Council for BYU’s Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, and a board member for Lightscatter Press. I am an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Beloit College in Wisconsin, where I live with my husband.

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