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Nicolette Blum Meister

Director & NAGPRA Coordinator, Logan Museum of Anthropology; Faculty Director, Center for Collections Care; Instructor, Museum Studies

 Pronouns: she / her  Email:  Phone: 608-363-2305  Office: Godfrey 114

Nicolette Meister

I earned a B.A. in anthropology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and an M.S. in museum studies and anthropology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. My museum experience includes work at the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Denver Art Museum, Milwaukee Public Museum, and the Pitt Rivers Museum of Ethnology and Archaeology at Oxford University.

My work focuses on administration of the Logan Museum, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) compliance, management and preservation of the Logan Museum’s collections, increasing curricular points of access to the museum’s collections, teaching collections management in the Museum Studies Program, and directing the Center for Collections Care (C3). I authored and implemented over ten NEH, IMLS, and NAGPRA grants to increase the preservation of and access to Logan Museum collections, support C3, and acclerate consultation and repatriation efforts.

Courses Taught

Introduction to Collections Management, Beloit College

Introduction to Museum Studies, Beloit College

Craft Production in Oaxaca, Beloit College (co-taught)

Field Excursion to Oaxaca, Mexico, Beloit College (co-taught)

Storage Solutions, Center for Collections Care, Beloit College

Care of Ethnographic Collections, International Preservation Studies Center

Grant Writing for Collections Care: Federal Grants, International Preservation Studies Center

Featured Publications

2019   A Guide to the Preventive Care of Archaeological Collections. Advances in Archaeological Practice. Vol. 7, No. 3:267-273.

2016   Assessing the Impact of Curricular Collections Use at a Liberal Arts College (with Kylie E. Quave). Museum Management and Curatorship. Vol. 32, No. 1:2-19.

2015   Contextualizing Collections Management in Academic Museums. In: Collections Care and Stewardship: Innovative Approaches for Museums, pp. 43-52. Rowman & Littlefield.

2012   Collections Planning: Best Practice in Collections Stewardship (with Jackie Hoff). In: The Small Museums Toolkit, Collections and Historic Preservation, pp. 108-131. AltaMira Press.

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