
Ph.D. in Economics from the University of New Mexico

M.A. in Applied Economics from the University of Cincinnati

B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering 
from Shri Guru Govind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology (India)

Courses Taught

Intermediate Microeconomics, Principles of Economics, Business Analytics, Introduction to Data Analytics

Research Interests

Development Economics, Public (Health Economics)

Disha Shende

Assistant Professor of Economics

 Email:  Phone: 608-363-2216  Office: 104D, School of Business, Pearsons

I teach courses including Principles of Economics, Intermediate Microeconomics, and Business Analytics. In the Business Analytics course, I use my background in Computer Science and Engineering and work experience in the software industry and business intelligence.

My research interests are in Public Health Economics and International Development. Specifically, I’m interested in looking at the health issues of different communities with a focus on disadvantaged social groups (including castes in India) and gender. I am also interested in studying the changing dynamics of health plans in health insurance markets in the United States.

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