B.A. East Asian Studies, DePauw University
M.A. East Asian Studies, Stanford University
Ph.D. East Asian Languages and Cultures, Indiana University
Courses Taught
I teach all levels of Japanese and advanced literature and culture courses in translation. These include:
Nightmare Japan
Totoro Saves the World: Miyazaki Hayao and the
Environmental Imagination
Postwar Japanese Cinema
Japanese Ecocriticism
Japanese Popular Culture in Fiction and Film
Narratives of War and Peace
Japanese Women Writers
In Search of the Samurai
History and Popular Culture in Japan
Research Interests
My research interests include early modern and modern Japanese history, national identity in 20th-century Japan, modern literature, gender, popular culture, and media studies. I am particularly interested in how and why history and popular culture intersect.
The Afterlife of Totomi Hideyoshi: Historical fiction and popular culture in Japan (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2022)
“When Women Write History: Nogami Yaeko, Ariyoshi Sawako, and Nagai Michiko.” In Rebecca Copeland, ed, The Handbook of Modern and Contemporary Japanese Women Writers (MHM Limited, 2022).
“Deconstructing the Taikō: The Problem of Hideyoshi as Postwar Business Model.” Mechademia 10: World Renewal – Counterfactual Histories. University of Minnesota Press, vol. 10 (2015), 81-96.
“Nagai Michiko and Ariyoshi Sawako Rewrite the Taikō.” US-Japan Women’s Journal. Sophia University Press, vol. 51 (2017), 59-79.
“A Multimedia Approaches to Teaching Japanese Popular Culture.” Digital Asia, special issue, ASIANetwork Exchange, vol. 25: 2 (2018), 61-81.
Susan Westhafer Furukawa
Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Japanese)
Email: Phone: 608-363-2931 Office: Room 106, World Affairs CenterMy research focuses on the the intersection of history and popular culture in Japan. My first book The Afterlife of Toyotomi Hideyoshi was published in 2022 and looks at how and why the biography of the 16th-century samurai, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, was reinterpreted during and immediately after World War II. My current project looks at the ways women writers of historical fiction use the genre to dismantle patriarchal narratives of Japan’s past.
I teach in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, but my courses are often cross-listed with Critical Identity Studies, Media Studies, and Environmental Studies. In my classes, we look at how the narratives people create are subject to cultural, historical, and sociopolitical influences and examine the ways in which language and stories are often used to curate our understanding of the environment and the world.