
PhD, Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz

MA, Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz

BA, Film, University of California, Berkeley

Courses Taught

Society and Culture


Visual Anthropology

Queer Ethnography

Medical Anthropology

Politics of Care

Ethnographic Methods

Research Interests



Medical Anthropology

Film and Media

Anthropology of Publics


Gender and Sexuality


Ethnographic Praxis


2024. “Borders Without Doctors: Agnieszka Holland’s Green Border,” Bright Lights Film Journal, November 13, 2024.

2023. “The Aversion to Theory,” Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 23(5): 463-465.

2018. Introduction, “Aftereffects: The Pulse Nightclub Shootings,” The GLQ Forum, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 24(1): 1-2.

2016. “Queer Space.” In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender & Sexuality Studies, eds., Nancy Naples, Renee C. Hoogland, Maithree Wickramasinghe and Wai Ching Angela Wong. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Jason Alley

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

 Pronouns: he/him/his  Email:  Phone: 608-363-2085  Office: Room 109, Godfrey Hall

Jason is a cultural anthropologist whose work focuses on the situated histories, places, institutions, narratives, practices and aesthetics of American social life.  His most recent research has examined the everyday politics of aging, looking at the elderpublics, aging lifeworlds and welfarist futures coming into being in San Francisco, California.  Approaching ethnography as a mode of research and a genre of writing, he aims to get students to understand the tradeoffs embedded in fieldwork alongside the representational moves made by ethnographers.  Jason also brings ongoing interests in film and media, racial formations, care, health and queer forms of critique to his teaching, research and writing.  He is presently at work on a book exploring the precarities and possibilities around aging in queer and non-queer America.

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