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International Applicants

International students are a valued and vital part of our campus community. 

International students may apply as first-year or transfer applicants for entry into either the fall (August) or spring (January) term.

International first-year applicant

If you have not yet enrolled and completed courses at the university level, please apply as a first-year student.

International transfer applicant

If you have completed at least one semester of university courses, please apply as a transfer student.

We do not accept applications from students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree.

Connect with an international student

Our international students are happy to answer your questions about living and learning at Beloit. E-mail to get connected. 

Resources for International students

The International Student Services office will help you transition to life at Beloit College.

Beloit does not contract with outside agencies to help us recruit internationally. Please contact our counselors directly for information about the college and the application process.

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